January 2012

Alessio Liuni elected member of the Italian Association of Yacht Designers (ASPRONADI)

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June 2012

Accomplished our last project. The stunning Medici’s Palace in Rome will be converted in luxury appartments

April 2012

The motor yacht Gaia has completed an extensive sea trials session and now is ready for summer cruises around the mediterranean sea. Her course will be Europe and Africa

December 2012

Many thanks to the Italian Yacht Designers Association (ASPRONADI) for publishing our last project on the official website

Click to read the editorialhttp://www.aspronadi.it/?p=1001

February 2013

A great editorial on the magazine NAUTECH  displaiyng our recent  work activities

March 2013

The motor yacht Gaia on display on the magazine VELA & MOTORE. Our last refit work has been extensively described by Olimpia De Casa

April 2013

Another attractive editorial about the  motor yacht GAIA. Please check April issue of YACHT&SAIL magazine

June  2013

A nice report about our last projects on the June issue of the magazine BARCHE

Click to read the editorialarticolo_gaia_INGLESE.html

October 2013

More and more.....about our recent works on the magazine NAUTECH

March 2014

A nice and interesting report about our interior design activity has been made by the russian designer Katerina Shornikova. The article has been released on the russian design magazine Grand

Click to read the editorialarticolo_alessio_russo.html

July 2014

Alessio Liuni will take part to the international design competition for calls on ideas about re-think the world’s biggest nuclear submarine. Akula the former Ussr navy submarine will be dismantell soon and the competition aims to explore the architectural potential and transform the biggest nuclear submarine ever built into a peaceful architectural object.

September  2014

We are pround the announce that our project for the international design competition abut re-thinking the biggest Ussr nuclear submarine Akula has named one of the TOP projects on list ! We would like to thanks the collegue that has been involved on the project.

LINK  TO THE DESIGN  COMPETITIONhttp://matterbetter.com/blog/article/4
LINK   TO THE PROJECTsottomarino_AKULA.html

October 6th  2014 

I have been invited for a Master Class about Yacht Design and Architecture at the Business&Design school of Moscow. I would like to thanks everybody for the warm welcome during the lesson. It was nice to talk about design and architecture and was a great experience with plenty of nice and interesting people.

Please check our the link for further information or the B&D web site МАСТЕР-КЛАСС АЛЕССИО ЛИУНИ В ИНСТИТУТЕ БИЗНЕСА И ДИЗАЙНА

October 8th  2014  
I have been invited for the third and last architecture and design master class in Moscow....many thx to ВШСД МАрхИ - Moscow Architecture State University, to all teachers and students i've meeted ....and for sure a special thanx to Mrs. Katerina Shornikova that made all this possible. 
Please check the link for further infos and pictures about.facolta_di_architettura_mosca.htmlfacolta_di_architettura_mosca.htmlshapeimage_14_link_0
October 7th  2014  

One more Master Class about Yacht Design and Interior Design at the Stroganov Accademy of Moscow, one of the most important and oldest cultural insitute in Russia. Thanks to Professor Nikita Rozanov and Valentin Zhukov. 
Please check the link for further infos and pictures about.stroganov_accademy.htmlstroganov_accademy.htmlshapeimage_15_link_0
February 2015
I would like to thanks Mrs Diana Muromtseva and Анна Пашина for the nice editorial about my professional activity that has been just published on the russian magazine ELITE Interior Magazine .https://www.facebook.com/diana.muromtsevahttps://www.facebook.com/pashina.ahttps://www.facebook.com/MagazineEliteInteriornida_art_colony_articolo.htmlshapeimage_16_link_0shapeimage_16_link_1shapeimage_16_link_2
March 2nd and 3rd 2015
I would like to thanks the Klaipeda University, Faculty of Marine Engeneering of Lithuania and Professors Rima Mickevičienė, Jonas Cerka and Vasilij Djačkov for giving me the chance to be there as Visiting professor teaching at their students Yacht Design.  For further informations please check the University’s web site at http://www.ku.lt/naujienos/destytojas-is-italijos-skaite-paskaitas-tema-buriniu-ir-motoriniu-jachtu-eksterjero-ir-interjero-projektavimo-tendencijos/http://www.ku.lt/naujienos/destytojas-is-italijos-skaite-paskaitas-tema-buriniu-ir-motoriniu-jachtu-eksterjero-ir-interjero-projektavimo-tendencijos/http://www.ku.lt/naujienos/destytojas-is-italijos-skaite-paskaitas-tema-buriniu-ir-motoriniu-jachtu-eksterjero-ir-interjero-projektavimo-tendencijos/http://www.ku.lt/naujienos/destytojas-is-italijos-skaite-paskaitas-tema-buriniu-ir-motoriniu-jachtu-eksterjero-ir-interjero-projektavimo-tendencijos/universita_klaipeda.htmlshapeimage_17_link_0shapeimage_17_link_1shapeimage_17_link_2
March 3rd 2015
I have been invited to visit the lithuanian shipyard Memel Werft of Klaipeda. The interest about the yacht design field is quite growing in the Baltic republics during the last few years moving from commercial vessel activity to new markets as pleasure boats are. It was an interesting experience to visit such a contest.visita_cantiere_memel_werfte.html
March 5th  2015
I would like to thanks professors  Grazina Stradzdiene and Jonas Malinuskas of the Vilnius College of Technologies and Design for inviting me to held a lecture about yacht design and architecture. It was a really stimulating contest with plenty of smart and creative people. facolta_architettura_vilnius.html
March 6th 2015
I have been invited to visit the Vilniaus Dailes Akademija of Vilnius and talk about my works with Professors Saurunas Slektavicius ed Jonas Malinuskas and exploring  with them possibilities to collaborate in the next future. Thanks for the warm welcome once again. That was my last day in Lithuania and I have been so happy about all the people i have meeted and about the really positive and creative environment I have founded in this country. I hope I will be back soon.....see u soon Lithuania
April 2015
I'm please to announce that I have just been elected member of the jurors at the The Lithuanian design prize GERAS DIZAINAS (Good design) that will be held in Vilnius the 4th of May during the 10th lithuanian design week. I would like to thanks Mrs AUDRONĖ DRUNGILAITĖ , Executive Director at Lithuanian Design Forum, for giving me the chance to be part of this great contest.
May 2015
I will partecipate at the Vilnius Design Week exploring new trends of design in this country and being part of the award cerimony for the 10 Lithuanian design prize GERAS DIZAINAS 
June 2015
I have written another editorial..... is about new interior design trends for yachts. The editarial has been published on the magazine Nautech
June 2015
I have been invited for a speach during the international conference NAV 2015 in Lecco being part of the team representing the Italian yacht designers Association (ASPRONADI). My speach will focus on design for yachts interiors and new lightweight materials for them. Please check the link below if you want to know more about 
July 2015
Warm-up phase for the Yacht design workshop that will be held in october  2015 at the Vilniaus Dailes Akademija of Vilnius.  I would like to thanks Professor Saurunas Slektavicius for everything he is doing to make this happens.yacht_design_warm_up.html
November 2015
Alessio Liuni è stato nominato membro del Consiglio DIrettivo dell’Associazione Italiana Progettisti Nautici da Diporto (ASPRONADI).
Il giorno 26 novembre si è tenuta l’assemblea generale presso la prestigiosa sede della Facoltà di Ingegneria Idraulica dell’Università di Bologna . Durante l’assemblea è stato confermato il presidente Ing. Giovanni Ceccarelli ed eletto il nuovo consiglio direttivo”.consiglio_direttivo_aspronadi.html
October 2015
Alessio Liuni ha partecipato in qualità di relatore alla conferenza organizzata da ASSONAUTICA ITALIANA ed ASPRONADI durante il 55 Salone nautico di Genova. Il tema affrontato è stato : Pensare e progettare per il mare.assonautica_genova_2015.html
December 2015
Alessio Liuni, insieme al presidente Aspronadi Ing.Giovanni Ceccarelli ed al Segretario Arch.Franco Gnessi, partecipa all’Assemblea Nazionale UCINA durante la quale é stato firmato un importante accordo di riconoscimento.
“Nel corso dell’Assemblea Annuale UCINA tenutasi a Roma presso la prestigiosa Sala Zuccari del Senato è stato siglato un accordo di convenzione tra ASPRONADI ed UCINA Confindustria Nautica, reso possibile grazie alla convergenza e lungimiranza di vedute del Presidente di UCINA Carla De Maria ed del Presidente di ASPRONADI Giovanni Ceccarelli”.UCINA_dicembre_2015.html
October 2015
E’ iniziato il corso accademico tenuto dall’Architetto Liuni e dal Professor Sarunas Slektavicius presso l’Accademia di Design di Vilnius (VDA) . Il progetto didattico, dal nome “FLumen”, coinvolgerà gli studenti dell’ultimo anno nella progettazione di un’imbarcazione fluviale. Il corso di quattro mesi, finanziato dalla Comunità Europea e dal ministero della Cultura lituano, non vuole rimanere solo nell’ambito teorico ma vuole proporre un nuovo e concreto modello di trasporto lungo i fiumi della Lituania. FLUmen_1.html
January 2016
Si è concluso il progetto FLumen. La presentazione ufficiale dei lavori svolti presso l’Accademia di Design di Vilnius si è tenuta alla presenza di numerose personalità di spicco accademiche, istituzionali ed appartenenti al mondo del design lituano. La soddisfazione per quanto realizzato nei quattro mesi di lavoro ha trovato riscontro nell’interesse mostrato da parte dei partecipanti alla conferenza  e nelle numerose pubblicazioni già realizzate. FLUmen_2.html